Kicking off the Fall schedule at The Center for Contemporary Printmaking in Norwalk, Connecticut is an invitational group exhibition titled,"From the Head and the Heart." I'm happy to be traveling there for the opening this Sunday and will be joining a panel discussion that afternoon.
"The exhibition From the Head and the Heart includes prints made in the recent past giving visual expression to a wide range of political and social topics that have become omnipresent in our culture. The art selected illustrates subject matter that is important to the artists represented in the show and speaks to the current state of our national and international discourse, some topics of which are immigration, gun control, the environment, endangered species and land use, racism, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights."
Read more here!
Image: Everyone is an Alienígeno, © Enrique Chagoya 2018. Courtesy of Shark’s Ink. Lyons, Colorado. Photo credit: Bud Shark.